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Our 2025 round of funding is looking for UK-based innovative projects which seek to improve quality of life for people with dementia and their carers whether at home, in the community or in residential care.

Applications from the North of the UK are particularly welcome.

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The McLay Dementia Trust was set up in late 2016 as a result of the experience of a daughter caring for her mother with dementia at home and a recognition that care and services could be much better.  In addition, the experience of working in care homes (as an Expert by Experience and with Healthwatch) has also highlighted the need to improve care for people with dementia in residential settings. 


While having some involvement in national research in dementia, the trustees are keen to support smaller innovative projects focusing on improving quality of life for people with dementia and their carers which might not attract funding from major research councils or larger charities. 


The trustees are particularly interested in initiatives, which may be trialled on a small scale and in a local area but are likely to have wider impact for other areas of the UK. To this end, we are keen to fund projects which include meaningful evaluation in order to demonstrate ‘what works’. 

© 2017 by McLay Dementia Trust.

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